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Rumsfeld’s Way of the Reformation for the U.S. Military System Getting Persuasive

Rumsfeld’s Way of the Reformation for the U.S. Military System Getting Persuasive

Posted April. 11, 2003 22:40,   


Wall street reported April 10 that ‘Rumsfeld Doctrine’ would be more persuasive that Donald Rumsfeld considered more mobile power than the size of troops as Gulf War II went to an end with the U.S.’s one side victory. As the U.S. won the victory only with less than a half of the troops of Gulf War I, Rusmsfeld’s idea, ‘Reduce the size of the U.S. military troops’, overpowered Collin Powell’s idea of dominating numbers of soldiers to the enemy. Thus, Rumsfeld’s reformation of the U.S. military forces despite objection of the U.S. Army, such as Lightening of ground forces, Reinforcement of maneuver, Strengthening of Air Force, etc. will be more persuasive than ever. Since the reformation of the U.S. military operating systems is directly related to the U.S. military forces abroad including the U.S. forces in Korea, it may influence pretty much to the international politics and relations.

. The victory of Rumsfeld’s Doctrine = The number of the coalition forces of the U.S. and England sent to Gulf War II was about 300,000, which was 40% of that of Gulf War I (680,000)

The coalition forces of the U.S. and England won a victory despite the reduced numbers of soldiers in the war. It was because the coalition forces destroyed the enemy’s forts in the early stage by using the superior fire power and mobile power.

Wall Street Journal explained that the effect of Rumsfeld’s Doctrine, which fight faster than before with light weapons and equipments, was proved through Gulf War II.

The vice president Dick Cheney supported Rumsfeld’s Doctrine through his address at New Orleans April 9 saying, “Our victory in Gulf War II proved that our effort to reform the U.S. military forces was in success.”

Of course, streamlining the size of the U.S. military forces doesn’t mean the weakening of the U.S. military forces. Rather it will strengthen the military power because it is an idea of an expansion of the budget for R&D and the procurement of the modernized weapons system.

After ending of cold war, most of nations in the world tend to cut the military budget, yet the U.S. has increased the expenditure of the military budget in Bush administration. The military budget of about US$300 billion in 2001 will be increased to US$400 billion next year which is greatest amount ever and US$500 billion in 2009.

. How the deployment of the U.S. forces will be changed? = Currently, the U.S. military forces are divided into five areas around the world by territories. In addition to that, there are four commanding forces theatre by their functions, Consolidated forces theatre, Special operation forces theatre, Transportation operation forces theatre, and Strategic theatre.

By territories; The U.S. forces in Asia and Pacific area including Korean peninsula, The U.S. military forces in Europe and Africa, The U.S. forces in Middle East, The U.S. forces in North America including the U.S., The U.S. forces in the Middle and South America.

The U.S. military forces abroad are mostly deployed in Korea (37,140), Japan (38,450) and German (6 8,950). The numbers of the U.S. military forces in Middle East which participated in Gulf War II are relatively smaller than those of other area.

The experts expect that the U.S. Department of Defense would possibly change its strategy for the military systems in foreign land based on the experience of Gulf War II, considering maneuver more importantly. They explained that the U.S. would prefer dispersed deployment in several areas to focused deployment such as in German and Korea and dispatch the troops whenever necessary. Current staff of Rumsfeld Arthur Chevrosky, the former admiral, said, ‘Maneuver can destroy the enemy and minimize the number of casualties and destruction of the U.S. military forces.” The redeployment of the U.S. military forces abroad will be done in any ways because of the reduction of the U.S. military forces may calm down anti-America movement in those countries caused by wayward act of the U.S.
