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President to Visit USA, Japan, China and Russia This year

President to Visit USA, Japan, China and Russia This year

Posted April. 07, 2003 21:52,   


In the first year since his inauguration, President Roh is scheduled to make the overseas visits to all of the strong four adjacent countries including USA, Japan, China and Russia.

A high official of the Secretariat to the President disclosed today that the President will exert his all round efforts to resolve NK nuclear issue, starting from working visit to USA for 6 to 7 days in May and probably next to Japan and others. He remarked further that in addition to those countries, the President will make oversea trips at least 6 times this year including travel to Chile for participation in APEC conference and to Cambodia for taking part in ASEAN+3 conference.

Jeong-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com