Thursday morning, around 2 hours after the U.S. attack began, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein announced, Victory is ours, in a TV address for the Iraqi people.
According to foreign media sources, President Hussein with military clothing and a black beret, said that his people would win against the enemy, and pledged to confront the invaders. He also condemned America for ignoring Iraq`s demand for peace and cowardly invading the country.
President Hussein, who had been wearing military clothing for 2 days, appeared on TV with a slightly disheveled look.
The people of Iraq should draw their swords against the enemy who have committed this shameful crime, Hussein said. We will push the evil invaders to the limit and cause them to lose their patience when executing their plans. He added, the plan is being carried out by Zionism-influenced countries, thus condemning both America and Israel.
He also illustrated President George W. Bush as the `little and vicious Bush.`
It was not confirmed whether this 10-minute-long address, which was televised on a youth TV station managed by Hussein`s son Uday, was a live broadcasting or a taped one.
President Hussein started his address by saying, There is no need to remind the people of Iraq of what they should or shouldn`t do when facing the invasion. He insisted, People of Iraq will win against the enemies full of shame and dishonor in any circumstances, and, after quoting a classic Arabic poem that praised the heroic characteristics of Arabic people, finished his address by saying, Iraq will win.