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CNN “US Will Attack Iraq Today”

Posted March. 19, 2003 22:22,   


Following President Bush`s 48-hour ultimatum to Mr. Hussein, United States soldiers and equipment are moving in large scale to the border between Iraq and Kuwait, reported The New York Times on Wednesday.

The US government is likely to order its attack right after the 48-hour ultimatum and that will be Wednesday night (Thursday daytime in Korea) reported CNN.

CNN also added that the President Bush received a report from senior military officers saying that preparation is done and they are ready to attack Iraq anytime if the president orders.

It`s been reported that the US named its operation as “Operation Iraq Freedom”

“The decision was made after thoroughly considering for the best military condition” and “When the time limit for the ultimatum ends Hussein`s political time will also end” said one military official.

President Hussein held military meetings with top-level aides and then opened a revolutionary committee giving a defiant rebuff to the President Bush`s ultimatum. He also ordered its troops to move into underground bunkers in preparation for the US air raids, reported foreign news.

Meanwhile the UN Security Council held an emergency cabinet meeting on Wednesday 10:30 p.m.(Thursday dawn in Korea) to discuss the Iraqi crisis with foreign ministers of France who strongly opposed to the US`s war with Iraq, Russian, Germany and other 4 nations .

In the meeting held without the US and Britain, they strongly accused the US and discussed measures which the UN can take after the outbreak of war.

Hye-Yoon Park parkhyey@donga.com