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Govt. Holds Emergency Meeting Concerning Iraq War

Posted March. 18, 2003 22:52,   


The government held a meeting of related ministers on March 18, presided by Prime Minister Ko Kun, to be prepared for the war in Iraq. It decided to establish emergency economic countermeasures ad hoc, if there is war, to push for various plans for stabilization of financial and foreign exchange markets, energy supply, assistance to exports, and safety of air and sea transportation.

In particular, regarding energy supply, the administration will watch developments of oil prices and phase in the restriction of outdoor lighting of clubs and bars, limitation of midnight movies in theaters, and a compulsory 10-day rotation system for cars, which will be introduced if oil prices remain over 30 dollars per barrel for an extended period of time.

In addition, the government plans to strengthen immigration control of terrorist suspects and post more police at key local and foreign facilities. Although it has secured a small pox vaccine for 500,000 people, it has tried to save an additional 250,000 for emergencies.

Dong-Ki Sung esprit@donga.com