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No More Slump for Seol

Posted March. 17, 2003 22:17,   


Anderlecht took on RAEC Mons Bergen yesterday as part of the Jupiler League 2002/2003, a Belgian pro soccer league.

With Mons leading the game 1-0, Seol Kee-hyun of Alderlecht was substituted in at 46`. Seol confused Mons defense line with his swift moves, and led his team`s offense. Thus, Anderlecht began to take the initiative, and its player kicked a ball into the net, leveling the ground for both teams.

24 minutes into the latter half, Seol dashed in and made a kick off the centering toward the center of the box.

Thus, Seol secured victory for his team.

It was his season 11th goal, the highest number in one season ever since his advance to Belgium. He failed to score any since January 26.

With one more win brought about by Seol, Anderlecht kept its top second position among 18 teams, with a total of 17 wins.

Starting his career in Belgium in August, 2000 with FC Antwerp, he recorded 10 goals for the 2000/2001 season. Next season, however, he stopped short of making three goals in twenty games due to the back injury he sustained just prior to the opening of the season.

Historically, the achievement of 11 goals stands out even in comparison with other South Korean soccer players who ran in the European pro leagues. Cha Bum-geun, for example, played for 11 seasons since 1978 in the Bundesliga as a superstar. But he recorded an average of 8.9 goals in one season.

Seol`s goal meant something special to him. The relationship between his team and Seol has been soured over Seol`s moving over to the English Premier League. Thus, the team has not put Seol in the starting lineup. Yet again, however, Seol proved his value with this game-winning goal.

Seol said, "I feel energized and happy. It`s been a long time since the last goal. For now, nothing is tangible about my advancement to the Premier League. Leaving everything to my agent, I will just concentrate on the game, and make more goals."

Seol is expected to play in the March 24th game against the league`s number team.

Soon-Il Kwon stt77@donga.com