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China’s New Leadership Takes Shape

Posted March. 16, 2003 22:28,   


Led by President Hu Jintao, `Fourth Generation` communist party leaders have taken power in China.

The National People`s Congress, the country`s legislature, on March 10 elected General Secretary Hu Jintao as president, Jiang Zemin as chairman of the government commission, Wu Bangguo as head of the legislature and Zeng Qinghong as vice president.

Parliament also appointed Xiao Yang top judge and chose former Public Security Chief Jia Chunwang as top prosecutor.

Hu Jintao was reappointed to his post as vice chairman of the government commission. Appointed as vice chairmen of the military commission are Gen. Guo Boxiong and Cao Gangchuan.

Also named to the military commission were: Deputy Director of PLA General Political Department Gen. Xu Caihou, Commander of the Nanjing military region Gen. Liang Guanglie, Political Commissar of the General Armaments Department Gen. Li Jinai, and Commander of the Chengdu military region Gen. Liao Xilong.

Legislative delegates will also choose vice premier, heads of ministries, head of the audit and inspection agency and head of the national bank on March 17 before the closure of the congress on the following day.

Yoo-Sung Hwang yshwang@donga.com