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Roh`s Interview with The Times

Posted March. 05, 2003 22:19,   


In an interview with a british magazine, the Times on Tuesday, President Roh reportedly said that the interception by North Korean jet fighters of a US reconnaissance plane was predictable enough and also urged the United States not to go too far.

President Roh said that the high-altitude encounter was predictable, because the United States had increased its aerial surveillance of North Korea`s reopened nuclear facilities. "It was a very predictable chain of events," he also opined.

"A very strong threat against a counterpart can be a very effective means of negotiation," he said, of the increased US surveillance. But he reportedly added, "I am urging the US not to go too far."

Mr Roh made clear that he placed the priority on building a personal relationship with Kim Jong Il and supported the establishment of a hotline with the North Korean leader in order to avoid the misunderstandings.

His failure to condemn unequivocally North Korea`s interception of the spy-plane will only widen the gap of point of views between Seoul and Washington, predicted the newspaper.
