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Survey on Incoming Government

Posted February. 23, 2003 22:21,   


Most of citizens were revealed to expect the Roh’s government, of which launch is scheduled for Feb. 25, will “do well.” The public, however, also have concerns about the possible social instability stemmed from unreasonable press for reform.

84.3% of respondents said that President-elect Roh would lead the government “well,” according to the survey on 1,544 male and female adults in the nation, conducted by the Korea Research Center (KRC), a professional survey institution, at the request of Donga Ilbo on Feb. 22,

What they most expect from the new government was ‘the working-class-oriented politics and more opportunities for general public to participate in politics (34.7%),’ ‘resolution of regionalism and the gap between the rich and the poor as well as social unity (14.6%),’ and ‘a reform of chaebol and economic systems (11.6%).’

Concerns about the Roh’s government were ‘social instability due to unreasonable push for reform (21.8%),’ ‘bipartisan conflict and political instability (19.4%),’ ‘aggravated U.S.-Korean relationship and heightening tension on the peninsula (18.6%),’ and ‘economic instability due to reform of chaebol and labor-management conflict (16.4).’

In the meantime, 53.9% of the respondents said that the Kim Dae-jung’s government failed to lead the nation well for the last five years, while 41.8% responded the administration did well. They cited ‘the corruption of the powerful (32.7%)’ and ‘the unilateral aid to North Korea (23.5%)’ as the failure of the Kim’s administration.

What the Kim’s administration did well was ‘the overcome of the 1997’s financial crisis and the economic recovery (29.1%)’ and ‘the successful 2002 World Cup and the uplifted national status (28.2%).’

The survey was conducted through telephone interviews and the sampling error is ±2.5% out of 95% trust level. The detailed data is provided through www.donga.com.
