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Interviews of Three People and Their Three Different Views on Iraq War

Interviews of Three People and Their Three Different Views on Iraq War

Posted February. 05, 2003 23:00,   


As the United States` attack on Iraq draws near, the Daily Guardian of England interviewed three people: Cide Muhammad Muslimin, a fled religious leader of Iraq, Noam Chomsky who is a linguist, an anti-war movement activist as well as a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Hans Von Sponeck, a former UN humanitarian coordinator for Iraq who has been against the economic restraints on Iraq. Each of them asserted their opinions and spoke up their various perspectives on issues surrounding Iraq. Muslimin asserted “Hussein needs to be deported right away”, Chomsky asserted “The United states must put a stop to their plan, which is aiming petroleum and Iran”, and lastly Sponeck asserted “Support is needed for the Iraqi people.” The following are the summaries of their assertions.

▽ We dream of democratic Iraq (Muslimin) = I am an Islam minister who taught Arab language to students but I`ve been accused of being a national subvert criminal because of the over flowing number of students gathered to learn. Six students at the ages of between 14~15 years old and my nephew were killed by the government army`s suuden attack. The government army has imprisoned 8 members of my family including my father and I do now know whether they`re alive or not.

We want a free and democratic Iraq. All of Iraqis are tired of President Saddam Hussein and his continuous killing.

My friends say they can no longer endure the Hussein organization and await the Western Countries to attack Iraq. The number of the disappeared Iraqis who have been captured by the government army reaches 500,000 people. The anti-war activists in the Western Countries are not fully aware of the actual conditions of Iraq and the danger of Saddam Hussein.

If they realize the reality in Iraq, they will also support the deportation of President Hussein as well.

▽ The United States propaganda warfare after the 9.11 terrorism (Chomsky) = The public opinions of anti-war is spreading worldwide but the United States stands in the opposite side.

It is because the propaganda saying `the President Hussein is a horrible person and if we don`t stop him, we will be attacked in return` has been stirring up the citizens after the 9.11 terrorism. The reason why the United States wants to attack Iraq is because if the U.S. gets Iraq in its hand, the United States will be able to control the world`s primary energy circle. The Untied States plans to end the war in a short period of time and to effectively control the petroleum by setting up an enormous U.S. army base after constructing a new government with a mask of a `democratic government`. However, setting up a democratic government with the mask of democracy will not be so easy. It is because of the power of the Shi`a Arabs who takes up almost 60% of the total population in Iraq. Also, there is a high possibility that they might want to reunite with the Shi`a Arabs in Iran. This is the next aim of the United States. Iran is on the list after Iraq.

▽ Only citizens are bruised due to the war of the powers (Sponeck) = The Iraqi situation has been worsening as the time passes. The citizens are suffering the chronic unemployment and there is a little possibility of the improvement on the ruined education system. Regardless of whether or not the war will occur, it will take a long time for Iraq to return to its normality since it has been ruined due to the continuous economic restraints.

Iraq is a country, which centers around on a city. If the street warfare occurs with the usage of highly efficient weapons and large-scale air raids, the enormous number of Iraq civilians will be sacrificed.

The United States and England has stated that they will aim for the military soldiers only but it is impossible to find and attack the soldiers who are in the midst of civilians. The observers are shocked after seeing the deepening despair, fear and renunciation in the Iraqi citizens. Due to the constantly approaching danger of the war, the civilians` psychological consternation has been concerned. They seem as if they`ve already lost the hope of life. However, the worst tragedy, war, still awaits them. A peaceful resolution must be made urgently to stop this tragedy.
