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IAEA Expected To Send North Korea`s Nuclear Issue Before UN Security Council On Feb. 12th

IAEA Expected To Send North Korea`s Nuclear Issue Before UN Security Council On Feb. 12th

Posted February. 02, 2003 22:36,   


The IAEA is reportedly leaning toward sending the North Korea`s issue before the U.N. Security Council. To decide on that matter, it will convene a special meeting of its board of governors on February 12.

IAEA`s secretary general Mohammed ElBaradei confirmed Friday at IAEA`s headquarters in Wien that a request has been made to the board of governors that it should approve a report to the U.N. Security Council, which in turn asks for sending the North Korea`s nuclear issue before the council. Then, he said, "We intend to hold the board`s meeting on February 12th."

The secretary general also announced, "We have already submitted to the board a report that enumerates North Korea`s violations of the Nonproliferation Treaty. [When the board convenes on 12th,] we have to report North Korea`s breaches to the U.N. Security Council. It`s our duty under the IAEA`s charter."

The IAEA, previously on Jan. 30th, discussed, in a closed-door multilateral talks, when to convene a special meeting of the board with seven countries such as the United States, China, Russia, France, Britain, South Korea and Japan. But no agreement was reached.

After the unofficial discussion, IAEA`s deputy spokesperson Flemming said, "We expect the board of governors to convene early next month. But it is still possible to hold it on February 12th."

In the meanwhile, North Korea`s ambassador to Russia Park Hee-choon held a press conference on Friday and said, "We will not send a delegate to the special meeting of the board on 12th. We believe the IAEA acts for the interest of the United States."

Jei-Gyoon Park Ki-Hyun Kim phark@donga.com kimkihy@donga.com