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[Opinion] E-Thrombosis

Posted January. 30, 2003 22:20,   


The civilization can cure and, at the same time, give diseases. Due to the development of medical science, several diseases are overcoming, but new diseases are also burgeoning along with the new technology. It is widely known that plagues made Greek civilization and Roman Empire collapse, and a pest ended the Medieval Europe civilization. In flamboyant Renaissance era, syphilis was prevailed, due to the sexual violence and prostitution growing from the notion of liberation of human. Surprisingly, the industrial revolution brought tuberculosis. This is because of the growing population in the cities, poor work conditions, slums, long working hours and polluted air. Industrialization makes people`s lives convenient but now the fear for the cancer afflicts their minds and bodies.

▷ Since the day human went out of the caves and started its civilization, there has been almost no chance for humans to be eaten by animals. The probable injury from human-made machines, however, is far higher than the probable injury from animals in the cave ages. For examples, death toll per ten thousand vehicles (including two-wheelers) in Korea amounts to 5.5, but 1.9 in the U.S. However, a much-stronger looking SUV is three-times more dangerous in case of accident. Little cell-phones are also dangerous. There has been a controversy about the relationship between cell-phone use and cancers since a man filed a suit against a cell-phone company, insisting his wife died out of a brain tumor because she had used the cell-phone almost all day.

▷ The Computer, a favorite of the modern technology, is also far from safe. It is old saying that the computer using for long hours can cause a VDT syndrome. The computer has also a sort of anti-social functions, making people addicted to chatting or cyber sex or adultery. Recently, BBC warned that computer using for long time can cause an e-thrombosis which makes the calf swell up and even kill the person.

▷ The New Zealand medical team which reported an e-thrombosis case emphasized “responsibility of individuals.” It is much better to walk around about for five minutes after one hour`s using. However, “one`s health is one`s responsibility” would be the easiest but most irresponsible health guidance. In 1999, traffic accident related to the cell-phone use reduced 75% in Japan, after the government announced a restriction on the cell-phone use during drive. Now, should we make some restrictions like “compulsory five-minute break after one hour using”? I wonder what the future historians will argue on the civilizations ruined or brought by E-Disease.