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Bush Delivered the State of the Union

Posted January. 29, 2003 22:28,   


The US President George W. Bush stated through the State of the Union, which had his plan for the administration`s policies for the New Year, on the 28th that America would not surrender to the North Korean nuclear threat.

The President Bush, in his address at the Senate and House joint session that day, said, “The North Korean regime of today is trying to create fear using nuclear program and get a concession from us,”and “America and the world will not be blackmailed.”

The President Bush went on to say, “America is cooperating with the local countries like Korea, Japan, China, and Russia to find a peaceful solution and show them that the nuclear weapon only brings isolation, economical slump, and continuous adversity.”

He, then, said, “The North Korean regime can get respect from the international society and bring people back to life only if it gives up the nuclear ambition,”and stressed that North Korea should give up nuclear first to get international cooperation.

The President Bush, aiming to the North Korean regime, said, “In the Korean Peninsular, a restrain regime is administrating people who are living in fear and starvation,” and “in the 90`s America believed that the Geneva Agreement could prevent North Korea to have nuclear weapons, but now, we know that North Korea deceived the world and has continuously developed nuclear weapons.”

The President Bush also said, “In today`s war against terror, the most serious danger, the most serious danger that America and the world are facing is the outlaw regimes that are pursuing the nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and have them,” and “those regimes can use those weapons for blackmail, terror, and massive killing.”

He went on to say, “Those regimes can offer or sell those weapons to terrorists who can use them without any hesitation.”

The President Bush made clear in his address that he would do the military operation unless Iraq would destroy weapons of massive destruction saying that the Iraqi President Sadam Hussein lost his `last chance.`

He said, “Our country and the world should learn the lesson from the Korean Peninsular and not allow the bigger threat appears in Iraq,” and “We must not allow the cruel dictator, who has antecedent of rash invasion, is related to terrorism, and has potential wealth, to rule the important area and to threat America.”

In the meantime, the President Bush said, “America requests the UN Security Council to be called the 5th of next month,” and “in that Council, the Secretary of State Collin Powell will submit intelligence about the illegal weapons development program of Iraq, hiding of weapons, and connection to the terrorist organizations of Iraq.

Ki-Heung Han eligius@donga.com