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PTC Surveyed Public Officials

Posted January. 22, 2003 22:57,   


It is confirmed on the 22nd that the Presidential Transition Committee (PTC) surveyed of the 21st executives of the National Tax Service (NTS) and the Police Headquarters to select new candidates for the two agencies. This was the first survey of executives of related agencies to select crucial appointment.

According to the NTS, the PTC requested a private research company to survey about four hundred executives through telephone on the 21st.

They surveyed about 10 questions such as outstanding questions of the NTS, requirements for next director of the NTS, a well-qualified person for the director.

An official of the NTC said, “The poll seemed to be performed for the multi-assessment system announced by the PTC. I wonder about the result because the executives are surveyed at this poll.”

On the other hand, Polnpoll, a private research company specialized in politics and social issues, explained, “We surveyed police superintendents on improvement of police personnel, preference for the new director.”

They surveyed about 5 questions: Who is suitable for the new director?; In what points should the police improve?; What is the requirement for the new director of the police?; What should be improved in police personnel?; What are the virtues required to the new director of the police?

Especially, three candidates are named; vice-director of the Police Headquarters Song Nak-sik, director of Seoul Regional Police Headquarters Lee Dae-gil, president of the Korea National Police University Choi Key-moon. Two hundred out of four hundred police superintendents were surveyed through telephone.

However, people showed different reactions to the survey on the candidates for the director.

One police superintendent who was surveyed said, “I don’t know how much the poll would be reflected to the appointment, but I think that public opinion will be reflected this time. In fact, this is the first application of multi-assessment proposed by the president-elect Roh.”

On the other hand, another police superintendent said, “I think the survey is too poor to be reflected to the appointment. It is also possible to be split into petty factions by hometowns or position.

Jin-Goo Lee Jin-Hup Song sys1201@donga.com jinhup@donga.com