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LG’s Mobile Delivery Service Centered Around PDA

Posted January. 22, 2003 23:01,   


An electronic company has distributed PDAs to its personnel to better serve its customers with accurate delivery.

For the first time, LG Electronics has put into practice its Mobile Delivery Service since January 22. Under the system, a delivery is made through constant exchange of information via PDA.

LG’s delivery personnel are required to punch in every information into the PDA, making it possible for customers to check out the delivery status on the Internet. In addition, customers can verify the status via cellular phone, or even sign on the PDA of the LG employee to confirm the receipt.

Having an access to the Internet via both of the land line or the wireless network, this service serves the following major purposes: confirmation of delivery and adjustment of delivery time, verification of current delivery status, and management of the CRM, or customer relationship management.

In the future, another features like the GPS and the GIS will be added, enabling, for example, to find out the best delivery route. LG expects to cut down on the delivery time by 25% and logistics costs by 15%, since its employees do not have to issue receipts any longer.

Tae-Han Kim freewill@donga.com