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Clonaid Claims a Second Clone Baby

Posted January. 05, 2003 22:49,   


The world`s second cloned baby was born on Friday, the head of the Raelian sect in the Netherlands said on Saturday.

Clonaid chief executive Brigitte Boisselier said that a 2.7 kg-weighing second cloned baby has been born to a Dutch lesbian couple. But the baby, like the earlier case, has not been confirmed to be a clone by genetic testing. The parents have promised to tell her Monday whether they will allow DNA testing to confirm the claim, the cloning firm’s top scientist added.

Cloning a human is forbidden in the Netherlands, but nothing in the law forbids the birth of a cloned baby.

Clonaid, a religious group that believes aliens landed on Earth 25,000 years ago and started the human race through cloning, claimed last month to have organized the birth of the first human clone to a 31-year-old U.S. woman.
