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President-elect Nominated Directors of 7 Subcommittees

Posted December. 26, 2002 22:31,   


President-elect Roh Moo-hyun on Dec. 26 appointed Kim Jin-pyo, head of the Office for Government Policy Coordination at the Prime Minister`s Office, as deputy chief of the presidential transition committee according to his principle to organize the transition committee based on the practical affairs. In addition, he also named academics heads of the committee`s six subcommittees.

Lee Byung-wan, deputy chief policymaker of the Millennium Democratic Party, was named as director of the committee`s planning and coordination subcommittee, while Prof. Kim Byong-joon of administration at Kookmin University was named as director of the political affairs subcommittee. Other appointees are Prof. Yoon Young-kwan of diplomacy at Seoul National University, as director of the unification, diplomacy and security subcommittee; Prof. Lee Joung-woo of Kyungpook National University, as director of the first economic subcommittee for financial affairs; Prof. Kim Dae-Hwan of economy at Inha University, as director of the second economic subcommittee in charge of construction, transportation, agriculture and forestry, and information and communications affairs; and Prof. Kwon Gi-hong of Youngnam University, as director of the subcommittee for social, cultural, and women`s affairs.

In addition, Prof. Lee Jong-oh of social science at Keimyung University was named as director of people`s participatory center, which listens to public opinion and makes policy proposals.

Chung Sun-gyun, special aide for the press, was appointed as spokesman for the presidential transition committee.

Lim Chae-jung, chairman of the committee explained, "The current head of the Office for Government Policy Coordination was elected as deputy chief of it to the effect that stability in taking over policy, complementing it and verifying the completed one should be secured."

With respect to the fact that of the seven directors, six are professors, he said, "They have been engaged in policy development for Mr. Roh from earlier, so they are familiar with Roh`s philosophy on national management. And those experienced in administration will be picked up as members of those subcommittees."

Sooner or later, the President-elect plans to complete the nomination process and launch the presidential transition committee officially after holding the first meeting.

About 250 members, including transition members, experts, administrative officials and advisors, are expected to participate in the take-over committee.

Yong-Gwan Jung yongari@donga.com