Posted December. 23, 2002 12:23,
Ms. Kim Young-ju (35), who works at computerized room in Samsung Medical Center, is all smiles in the end of the year. She reduced her weight from 82.5kg last year to 71kg.
Her secret of succeeding diet is digging one well. She concentrated on running on a running machine at a health club. At the beginning, She ran 30 minutes in the morning but increased it to one hour gradually. She succeeded in losing 5kgs in three months. In five months, she lost 10kgs.
How nice it is if all people succeed like Ms. Kim! However, people who failed in losing weights are more than those who succeeded. Lets look at people who failed. We may gain a lesson from those cases.
▽I wish I had stronger will power; Ms. Kim (29. female) who works at F Company, Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, is gloomy nowadays. She registered at health club and changed food menu into uncooked food worth 1.5 million won early this year. But she didnt lose even 1kg.
At the beginning, she felt her body became better, so she decreased the frequency of coffee intake. But soon her plan broke away. Frequency of going to health club reduced from 3 times a week into 2,3 times a month and she gave up having uncooked dinner.
Ms. Kim confessed the reason of failure was due to weak will power.
Ms. Kim said, Too many hours sitting on a chair and night work can be a reason of failure but it is myself who give up easily in everything to blame.
▽Due to stress of work; Mr. Ha (31) was diagnosed for C type hepatitis in a comprehensive check up one year ago. He rested for three months due to treatment and started exercise with temperance and non-smoking. He was proud of himself when he felt his body becoming better.
However, everything resulted in nothing when he returned to work. Working after three months wasnt comfortable and burden of delayed work threatened him. After all, Mr. Ha started smoking and drinking due to meetings with staff.
▽Starting without plan; There are numerous times when Mr. Jung (33), who stays at Garak-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, declared temperance but he couldnt endure even three days in a stretch.
He aimed for not controlling drinking but absolute temperance, although he had to meet many outside people as he worked in marketing dept. The plan broke easily and soon people didnt believe his declaration for temperance.
Mr. Jung admits the fact that he declared temperance without plan. He said, I will start training to reduce amount of drinking and stopping it at the first meeting place in next year.
▽Decision come to nothing with boom disappeared; Fever of non smoking arose after the late Mr. Lee Ju-il performed TV advertisement for non-smoking, many people joined campaign of non-smoking. Mr. Kim (36) had the same idea, too. Mr. Kim decided not to smoke, however, he held cigarette within one month again. Mr. Kim stopped smoking after Mr. Lee Ju-il passed away, however, the result was the same.
Mr. Kim said, I thought I should not smoke, because many people around me said they didnt smoke anymore. and added, I learnt that it is impossible to succeed in quitting smoking without a clear goal.