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Korean French Passed the French Judicial Exam as the Second Place

Korean French Passed the French Judicial Exam as the Second Place

Posted December. 13, 2002 23:04,   


Korean French, Lee Sun-young (24), passed the French Public Prosecutor and Lawyer Exam (CREFPA) as the second place winner. Lee is the first Korean woman to ever pass this particular exam. Lee is a granddaughter of the last Gaesung (historical capital city of Korea) merchant, Han Chang-su, who deceased in April 2002. Mr. Han spent his whole life managing his company and provided his earnings from the Ginseng sales to the Opposition’s politicians (formal president of Korea, Kim Young-sam, current President, Kim Dae-Jung, and many more), without any conditions. He also had close relations with people from the various fields, including the politic, scholar, and art.

Lee has finished the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the 5th University of Paris and is currently in the process of doctorial degree with a thesis remaining. Over 5000 people applied for this examination, which selects 600 applicants and Lee had the honor of being the second place to pass the exam after the first place by a French man.

Lee immigrated to France in 1982 with her mother, Han Sang-in, who was leaving Korea to study abroad in France. Since then, Lee has visited Korea about 10 times. Considering that she has spent majority of her life in France, she is able to speak and write Korean fluently.

Credit goes to her mother, Mrs. Han. Lee’s been speaking only Korean at home and she even had to leave telephone memos in Korean. She is also fluent in English and Spanish.

Lee has her nationality to French last year in order to apply for this Judicial Examination.

However, Lee requests her friends to call her by her Korean name, Lee Sun-young, rather than her French name, Camille Lee.

Lee plans to work for the English Law Firm, Clifford Chance (ranks the 10th in the world), after her two years of public service pleading for the unfortunate people.

She stated that she’d like to become a professional lawyer in international business and merging law.

Sun-Woo Kim sublime@donga.com