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Lee Gyeong-su, Unsettled Court Return Problem

Posted December. 13, 2002 22:58,   


A return problem of Lee Gyeong-su, who could not appear because of a draft refusal, seemed to be settled but turned back to the starting point.

Such as LG Insurance, heads of baseball teams discussed the problem of Lee Gyeong-su in the heads’ meeting on December 13, but they didn’t come to the conclusion. So, the meeting will be held again on December 16. As the heads agreed to establish the draft on December 16, as LG Insurance decided to enter Lee Gyeong-su for the draft. However, in the discussion, LG Insurance and other baseball teams didn’t settle their standpoints.

At that day, Korean Air suggested the condition which one core player of LG Insurance was changed instead of a trading of Lee Gyeong-su. But, LG Insurance rejected its suggestion.

LG Insurance, which violated the draft regulation and made a free contract with Lee Gyeong-su last year, has rotated to the participation of the draft suddenly. It is because LG Insurance accepted an arbitration proposal of the association describing ‘If he is designated to other team through draft, it gives the compensation money to that team and take Lee Gyeong-su by the trade form.’ Draft will be progressed by lottery system.

According to records, Korea Airline is highly likely to take Lee Gyeong-su by being granting for a probability of 40%.

Won-Hong Lee bluesky@donga.com