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“It Is Better To Go To China, If Can`t Enter Prestigious University”

“It Is Better To Go To China, If Can`t Enter Prestigious University”

Posted December. 12, 2002 22:30,   


“If I can`t go to prestigious university, it`s better to go to Chinese university. ”

Students who want to enter Chinese university are increasing highly since announcement of marks of test. Recently, inquiries regarding entering Chinese university and learning Chinese language are increasing in metropolitan cities. Most of phones were regarding early study in China or entering graduate school, however, experts consider that it would be regarding entering university course from now on.

▽ Chinese university than non-prestigious university = Mr. Hong Gi-woong (19. third grade in Dong-hwa high school, Namyangju, Gyeonggi province) who received the possible marks for entering local famous university in the test decided to go to China.

He said, “I decided Chinese university after discussing it with parents regarding university following the marks” and “it would be advantage in job as trade with China will surpass the U.S. ”

Mr. Kang Young-jun (19. third grade of Myungji high school, Seodamun-gu, Seoul), who has up to 300 marks in the test, said, “4~5 students among 800 in the third grade are targeting Chinese university.”

Ms. Park Jung-lan (19. Hwajung-dong, Dukyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi province), who wants to study trade or economics faculty at Pudan university, Shanghai, expected, saying, “when I graduate university in China 2007, Beijing Olympics will be organized soon and world expo in 2010, therefore, there would be many opportunities for jobs. ”

According to Chinghwa, Korean students in university are increasing such as 13 in 2000, 30 in 2001 and 56 in 2002. In Jaotung, Shanghai, new Korean students have highly increased to 47 in 2001 from 7 in 2000.

▽ Class for going to China is rising = As interest on China is growing, Kyunghee university made class for Beijing university that has one and half year course, targeting third grade high school students after concluding an agreement with Beijing university recently. If students complete the course, they can enter their favorite faculty in Beijing University, the university stated.

Yiersan Chinese institute in Seoul made class for Chinese university for the first time due to request of parents and students of Gwacheon foreign language high school, Gyeonggi. Parents of a student, Ms. Kim Eun-suk (41. Byulyang-dong, Gwacheon, Gyeonggi) said, “it is better to go to China for my child`s future and unemployment of highly educated people are serious. ”

▽ Why go = Rise of China as the first business partner of Korea exalts big influence. SK group concerned said, “Business scale of SK group in China would reach 20 trillion won in 2010 ” and “then, we may need staff tens times than the present. ”

One of ministry of education pointed along with this situation, saying, “Being isolated as of local university and non prestigious university in domestic employment and social life gives a boost in going to China. ”

▽ Any problems? = The problem is language barrier. Team chief, Seo Jung-jin (31) of Yiersan institute said, “if they don`t have sufficient Chinese proficiency, students has no option but to go to `Chinese faculty` that is for foreigners, therefore, there is only few choice ” and “the choice should be careful as it takes 1~2 years to study with Chinese students equally. ”

Experts said that most of Chinese universities didn`t have support system for foreign students, and, therefore, caution is needed.
