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"NASA Uses Linux."

Posted December. 12, 2002 22:28,   


“The big project called as Linux is the result which the several million developers have participated in the world. The free use and cooperation by an open source code is a driving force of Linux development.”

Linus Torvals (33·Picture), founder of Computer Operation System Linux in rivalry with Microsoft (MS) visited Korea for the first time and stated his opinion on an open meaning of the source code and a vision of Linux.

He said in a lecture held in Shilla hotel, Seoul on December 12, “A few companies have monopolized the software market as an entry barrier has been high. The disclosure of the program source code can protect an education of the government and administration policy as well as companies, because of the monopoly.

He explained, “Some people said that I am like Mother Teresa of the computer industry. But, I am just doing my job because I like it. I am enjoying a moment of the programming work.”

He said, “I started the program at university, because I thought the programming was easy. However, I am still in the programming after 12 years.”

He answered to a question on a competition with the window operation system of MS, “I do never care about what MS is doing.”

In terms of a future of Linux, he forecasted, “Linux has been used as the large computer such as the computer of the financial institution unlike the past. “The technology and market of Linux will grow continuously.”

Linux developed when he was in the University of Helsinki, Finland in 1991, can be freely used free of charge because the program source code is disclosed unlike the Window of MS. Experts evaluated that Linux system is stabilized as NASA uses it for a movement of a space flight. So, the number of users are tending upward.

Jung-Eun Lee lightee@donga.com