The Korean pro baseball fans will have two more teams.
The KBO convened its board of directors yesterday, and decided to allow establishment of the 9th and the 10th team.
KBO Chairman Park Young-oh confirmed at the meeting, "This year, three conglomerates have officially notified us of their wish to establish new pro baseball teams. For now, we can`t reveal information on them. But we don`t see any problems in establishing two more teams."
In response, owners of 8 teams welcomed the decision and said, "In order to drum up more support for the pro baseball, we need two leagues. Thus, it would pay off having 10 teams."
Applications for foundation of the new teams will be made next year. Then, after a certain preparatory period, the teams will participate in the minor league. Then, from 2005, they will play in the main league. An eligible company or conglomerate wishing to found its own team shall maintain more than \1 trillion in gross sale. In addition, the company or conglomerate should have its headquarters in a city having a population of more than one million. But the KBO is not against foundation of a new team in a city that has already had a pro baseball team in it.
In addition, the new teams, as in the case of Bingre and Ssanbangwool, will be given many privileges in trading and selecting players, and hiring foreign players.
Currently, 4-5 qualified companies officially announced the intention to found a team, including GM Daewoo, KTF and CJ. For the possible cities for the new teams, Busan, Woolsan, Sungnam, Suwon and Ahnyang are on the list.
In the meanwhile, the KBO decided to open the next season on April 5th, 2003, with games in Daegoo (Samsung v. Doosan), Chamshil (LG v. SK) and in Suwon (Hyundai v. Lotte). The All-Star game will be held on July 17th either in Busan or in Daejun. Further, it would cut down on the number of registered players from 27 to 26, and mandate each team should donate \100 million for the construction of a children`s baseball stadium in the hometown of each team.