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Let`s Hit the Road to Enjoy White Winner

Posted December. 04, 2002 22:46,   


It is the right time to make reservations for your winner vacation. The upcoming presidential election dominates the interest of all. If you start now, you can enjoy many options within your budget. Railroad tourism is the most popular. Step on the gas when it comes to it.

● Having a tour of Mt. Hanra in a free rent car

GM Daewoo has put out its new car Lacetti. As part of its aggressive marketing, it provides, free of charge, Lacettis to tourists. A tourist to Cheju can drive the car for two days without costing him/herself a dime. The offer ends on Dec. 31st. What a tourist has to pay is \18,700 (approximately, $12) as insurance premium. Everybody`s OK as long as he/she is over the age of 21 and has a driver`s license more than one year.

Just log onto www.sukso.com (phone: 064-711-8290 within Korea), a site that provides special services for making online reservations. On the site, you will find a banner named "Cheju Free Rent Car Festival." It is a package tour costing just \145,000 per person, but offering round-trip flight ticket and one night stay at an exotic hotel. If you depart on Wednesdays, you will get \10,000 discount. Reservation made on a first-come-first-served basis.

The road to the Backrok Lake sitting on top of Mt. Hanra is temporarily open to the public. To enjoy the snowy scenery, more and more tourists are visiting it. Best opportunity to appreciate Mt. Hanra covered with snow at low cost.

● Meeting Sunrise by Rail

Appreciate New Year`s Sunrise via Chongdongjin, Chooahm and Naksan Temple. The highways transform themselves into huge parking lots around the turn of a year. Instead of enjoying yourself, you will end up almost killing yourself on the road. But when you hop on a train, everything`s good. Easy coming and going, enjoying, if possible, snow falls flying in the air seen out of the windows. That`s not the end of the story. Numerous kinds of railroad tourism packages are just one phone call away. (For more information, refer to the table.)

※ For more information on the Winner Theme Train program, log onto www.donga.com and click open the "Wise Eye." The information is in Cho Sung-ha`s e-Easy Tour.
