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The NATO Summit Has Opened in Prague, Czech Republic

Posted November. 21, 2002 22:47,   


▽Booming by Bush=The President Bush said in Prague on the 20th, “If the Iraqi President Sadam Hussein insists there is no massive killing weapon, it`s a lie and he`s entering the final stage. Cheating must not be forgiven.” And he warned, “Delay and challenge (against the weapons inspection) will lead to the most serious result.”

The British Daily Financial Times (FT) analyzed that this speaking of the President Bush suggested that it was a “serious violation” to the UN Resolution for the President Hussein to insist that he did not have the massive killing weapon.

The President Bush also stressed, “We must confront with the international terrorists organizations, which spoil freedom, through expansion of the NATO,” so he showed his intention to relate the main agenda of this Summit, which expand the NATO from 19 countries to 26 countries, to the Iraqi War. The President Bush is having a series of summits with the leader of the host country, Czech Republic as well as the UK and France, and plans to organize an `Anti-Iraq League.`

▽Making it dull by Germany=Germany and France show their antipathies against America, which tries to make this Summit as an `Iraq resolution stage.` Especially, Germany is making it dull for America by saying, “A Statement against Iraq, which transcends the UN Resolution, must not be adopted.”

The President Bush and the German Prime Minister Schroder met at the official dinner hosted by the Czech President Vaclav Havel in the Prague Castle on the night of the 20th and shook hands; however, they only exchanged routine greetings.

Germany and America do not agree on the issue of creating the NATO Rapid Deployment Force and reinforcing the forces, which is one of the major issues of this Summit. The Secretary of the US Defense Department Donald Rumsfeld has been insisting the increase of defense budget of each member country for creating the NATO

Rapid Deployment Force and reinforcing the forces since the first half of this year.

However, Germany shook her hands against the increase of defense budget due to financial loss and stopped America by saying, “The NATO Rapid Deployment Force has same function as the Rapid Reaction Force, which will be created by the EU.” (The Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer)

However, the Defense Minister of the UK, which is the most pro-American country in Europe, Jeff Hoon supported America before the Summit by saying, “The NATO must change its system to confront the new challenges of the 21st century. If it`s good for the NATO, then it`s good for the EU.” It is the point to warn another trouble within Europe in this Summit.

Jei-Gyoon Park phark@donga.com