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Jiang Keeps His Post as Head of Central Military Commission

Jiang Keeps His Post as Head of Central Military Commission

Posted November. 15, 2002 22:47,   


China’s Communist Party on Nov. 15 chose Vice President Hu Jintao as its new general secretary who will head the fourth generation of leaders.

Jiang Zemin was re-elected to head the party military commission and stacked the new Politburo Standing Committee with his close allies, ensuring he will have a continuing hand throughout the transitional period towards Hu`s leadership.

Chinese communists held the first full-member meeting for the 16th Central Committee of the Party National Congress held in the Great Hall of the People and elected a new generation nine-member leadership body.

The new Standing Committee, expanded from seven to nine members, includes Vice Premier Wu Bangguo, Vice Premier Wen Jiabao, Beijing`s former party boss Jia Qinglin, Head of Secretariat Zeng Qinghong, former Shanghai party chief Huang Ju, Shendong`s party boss Wu Guanzheng, Guangdong party chief Li Changchun and top law-enforcement official Luo Gan.

With Hu`s appointment as general secretary, China’s official news agencies also reported that Jiang kept his post as head of the Central Military Commission.

Having elected a new Politburo Standing Committee, the communist party will also name new officials to hold key posts in the party at a national congress set for next March.

˝China will continue to push for reforms following the lead of Deng Xiaoping ideology and Jiang’s Three Represents theory,˝ said Hu in his speech.
