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Academic Attitude Test, 2~3 Scores Lower Over Last Year

Posted November. 07, 2002 23:07,   


Unlike a forecast of academic institutes, the score of the academic attitude test will be likely to be similar to last year or drop by 2~3 scores over last year.

The authority expected that the score would be higher than last year, but it gets out of its goal. In particular, the score of enrolled students went down.

Lee Jong-Seung, president of Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation(KICE) had the press conference in a conference room of the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Management on November 7 and announced the results of sampling remarks of answer sheets of 42,000(6.2%) students in Seoul and Gyeonggi area.

According to the results, in terms of the average scores of all students, on a basis of the full 400 scores, there are the average 208.8 scores for a classical field, 236.2 scores for natural science field and 166.7 scores for the arts field, decreased by 2.1 scores, 3 scores and 2.6 scores respectively over last year.

In the terms of the average score by the area of total groups, the score of the language area increased by 0.9 score in the classical field, but decreased by 0.2 score in the natural science field. Also, △the scores of math increased by 0.6 score in the classical field and 0.7 score in the natural science field, △The scores of social studies decreased by 4.4 scores in the classical field and 8.1 scores in the natural science field

△ The scores of science studies increased by 0.4 score in the classical field and 4.4 scores in the natural science field △the scores of the English increased by 0.4 score in the classical field and 0.2 score in the natural science field.

The scores of the language and match were almost similar to the last year, but one of the social studies decreased by 4~8 scores. It leaded the overall drop in scores. KICE analyzed, “Students tended to study one of the social studies and science studies inattentively as there are many universities which reflect only partial area. Also, as another reason, the students who already passed the frequent examination of the universities for the first half year didn`t take an examination.”
