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“Find MS!”

Posted October. 15, 2002 23:11,   


While the UN unanimously passed a resolution to ask the world to help capturing the bomb terrorist of Bali Island, Indonesia, the Indonesian police are pursuing the core suspect of the terror incident.

The foreign news reported that the Indonesian Police Chief, Da`i Bachtiar said, “We are observing closely on several clues including the possibility of connection of foreign terrorists organizations and Indonesian organizations.” and added “We are pursuing an Indonesian suspect known as MS.”

The Chief Bachtiar added that the suspect`s ID was found at the spot of terror in the Kuta Beach, so investigators were sent to his two residents in 말랑, East Java and Lombok island, but failed to find him. It was known that the Indonesian Police was investigating all the possibilities that he could be dead during the terror, could be missing, or ran away.

As a result of the investigation by the Indonesian Bureau of Investigation (BIN), the explosives used in this terror were the plastic explosive ‘C4’ that terrorists usually use.

In the meantime, the spokesperson of Abubakar Bashir, who was the mental leader of the Islamic extremists group ‘Jema Islamia’ (JI), was pointed out as the man behind the scene by the western countries, said he would accept the investigation of the Indonesian Police on the 17th. The Indonesian Police investigated Bashir before, but they refused the request of neighboring counties to arrest him as a terror suspect because of ‘insufficient evident.’

Prior to this the 15 countries in the UN Security Council criticized the bomb terror in Bali Island on the 14th and unanimously passed a resolution to ask all the countries to help putting the terrorists at the judgment stand of law.

In the meantime, the US President George W. Bush said on the 14th, “We must realize that there is Al Qaida behind this incident.” And the Australian Prime Minister John Howard also said, “Although there is no legal evident that Al Qaida is behind this Bali terror tragedy, we have strong suspicion about that.”

Rae-Jeong Park ecopark@donga.com