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U.S Requests North on 5 Subjects, like Giving Up Missile and Nuclear Development.

U.S Requests North on 5 Subjects, like Giving Up Missile and Nuclear Development.

Posted October. 06, 2002 22:59,   


The U.S assistant secretary of State for the East Asia Pacific affairs, James Kelly, who visited North (on 3rd~5th) as a special envoy of the U.S President George.W. Bush announced result of the North-U.S talks held at the Central government building, Sejongro, Seoul, saying, “ We stated that the U.S is concerned about the nuclear, missile development and export, WMD and humanistic matter, on 5th afternoon”.

Special envoy Kelly said successively, “ If the North makes an effort to solve out these concerns, relationship between North and U.S can improve, we delivered to the North”.

Special envoy, Kelly had talks four times such as meeting Chief of standing committee in council of commissar, Kim young-nam, Minister of foreign affairs, Gang seok-ju and Kim gye-gwan, etc, however, he said, “ there was no mention about the next talks, but we just stated our stance to solve out concerns through talks”.

Government concerned expressed opinion related to this on 6th, saying, “ It was very good as the North-U.S talks were held for the first time, which we longed for, and they exchanged their sides opinion”, without official statement.

On the other hand Pyongyang Public broadcasting of the North delivered on the same day, “ The North is willing to have talks for eliminating concerns of the U.S, if U.S administration is ready to give up its hostile policy of the North” and “ Our stance on the North-U.S talks is always the same”.

Young-Sik Kim Dong-Ki Sung spear@donga.com esprit@donga.com