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U.N, Postpones Iraq`s Weapons Inspection

Posted October. 04, 2002 23:07,   


Amid U.S persistence for military attack on Iraq, U.N decided to postpone weapons inspection in Iraq. It shows that U.N is inclined towards progressive decision of the U.S against Iraq; therefore, response of nations that have rejected plan of U.S like military attack is attracting attention.

Ñ Announcement of U.N’s postponement of weapons inspection = U.N chief of inspection of weapons, Hans Blix said to 15 nations of the Security Council at U.N Headquarter on 3rd, “We will postpone inspection till the Security Council makes a resolution on Iraq.” He clarified that inspection depends on decision of the Security Council, saying, “There would be confusion if different decision is delivered to the inspection team after they start inspection.”

Secretary general of IAEA, Mohammad AL-Baradi, who is in charge of inspecting nuclear facilities in Iraq, also said, “If there is no united support of the Security Council, it is impossible to perform efficient work despite entering Iraq.”

U.N had agreed with Iraq to send inspection team to Baghdad in two weeks, on the first, for inspecting Weapons of Mass Destruction, however, it was opaque while arranging its decision which contained use of military right of U.S inspection team.

If U.S is able to pass its resolution in the Security Council, inspection will be delayed for more than 30 days until Iraq submit report regarding the development of MDW (Mass Destruction of Weapons).

Chief Blix and secretary general AL-Baradi will meet state secretary, Colin Powell and security aide of the White House, Condoleeza Rice in order to discuss about the decision of U.S and inspection.

Ñ U.S, U.K’s pressure getting strong = As agreement between U.N-Iraq regarding period of inspecting of weapons has come to standstill, U.S can earn time to give diplomatic pressure to nations in the Security Council for a resolution.

U.S president George.W.Bush stated on 3rd, “now, the choice depends on Iraq President Saddam Hussein and U.N that should ask responsibility to him.” And “if such decision isn’t complete, U.S can’t help taking an action”, showing the will of military attack on Iraq. He emphasized not to tolerate President Hussein, pointing him as “this guy”, saying, “War on terrorism should be expanded targeting the worst leaders in the world who are bent to ruin the U.S and its friendly nations with the worst weapons.”

The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, said on the 3rd, too, “It is time to have new and strong resolution of inspecting weapon.” and “Even though inspection team inspects 99% of Iraq, if MDW is developed in the rest of 1%, it is of no use.” This meant to emphasize insistence of U.S once again, which insisted in including 8 places of Iraqi presidential palace in subject of inspection that is around 32㎢.

∇ Continued attack = On the other hand, U.S and U.K fighters attacked southern region of Iraq on 3rd, killing 5 Iraqi people and injuring 11. The reason for U.S and U.K to reinforce attack on Iraq is analyzed as strong pressure for postponing reopening of inspection. Chief Blix has stated that inspection would be done after agreement, saying, “If there is a continuous attack in restricted region of flight, safety of inspectors is not secure.” However, the U.S is persisting that it will not stop attack even though inspection goes on.

Mi-Kyung Jung mickey@donga.com