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Hollywood Stars Speak Out about Bush’s War Plan

Posted September. 27, 2002 22:59,   


Not only the international community but also the U.S. is now sharply divided over the Bush administration’s war plan against Iraq. And high-profile stars in Hollywood have also begun to speak out on the issue. At the forefront are such big names as Barbara Streisand, Jessica Lange, Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise.

▽ Streisand and Lange Denounce War Plan

Singer, actress, movie director and producer Streisand sent a memo to Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt on Sept. 22 that said, “Sadam Hussein is not the one who planned the attack on the World Trade Center.” She also insisted, “Democrats need to take a hard stance instead of following the false lead.”

“It is a well known fact that special interests such as oil, chemical and logging industries are wielding a great influence on the administration,” she further pointed out in the memo handed on to Rep. Gephart at a fund-raising event. “They will, no doubt, earn a lot from the attack on Iraq.” Streisand emphasized there is an “impure” motive behind the Bush’s administration’s war speech.

Jessica Lange, a respected actress well known for her roles in such movies as ‘The Postman Always Rings Twice” and “Tootsie,” had a press interview on Sept. 26 on the sidelines of San Sebastian Film Festival in Spain.

She categorically criticized the Bush administration during the interview saying, “Any attack against Iraq violates the spirit of the U.S. constitution and is unethical.”

“It just can’t understand why no one tries to stop him,” she took a passionate tone. “I hate Bush and his administration, and even feel ashamed for being an American.”

▽ Spielberg and Cruise Take Side with Bush

Director Spielberg and actor Cruise, who are currently visiting Rome, Italy, on a promotion tour of their movie “Minority Report,” advocated Bush’s war plan at a press interview held on Sept. 26.

“If the President says that he has compelling evidence indicating Iraq’s possession of mass destruction weapons, I must support the administration’s policy,” he said. “I believe the policy is based on facts.”

“I do not have as much information as the President has, but I know that Hussein has committed crimes against humanity,” Cruise took his turn.

Meanwhile, high-profile figures in the British arts and culture industry, including playwright Herald Pincher, film director Ken Roach and actress Katherine Mckomac, send to the Office of Prime Minister an open letter warning that “A war against Iraq will lead to consequences of great magnitude and open a Pandora’s box.”

Sung-Kyu Kim kimsk@donga.com