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Sprawling Woods, Walk and Cabin

Posted September. 18, 2002 22:46,   


Namyang Peninsula, surrounded by waters of Namyang Gulf, sets a stage for “Gungyong Nakjo,” one of the eight tourist attractions in this west part of the country. And there is a small and peaceful village called Yongdu-ri.

At the background of the village is Namyang Gulf, magnificent waters Hong Sung-won once described in his epic “Dawn.” The long story tells the nation’s past in the early 1900 centering on two key figures, wife of a noble man and a servant, who went through tumultuous times. Their sufferings are a part of our history - breakdown of noble society and life under foreign forces.

On a hill standing towards the sea, there is a traditional mansion that has lasted there for a century, which belongs to Hong Family. A middle-aged man living in Seoul now owns the 20,000 pyong-scale residence. He has visited this place as often as he can, taking care of trees and the houses himself for the last 10 years. And the place still bears old beauty in overall.

Surrounding the main house are a lotus pond, a pavilion, a small yard, a lawn that looks like a perfect place for a barbeque party and a guest quarters. A line of pots is seen over the fence and the main gate. A wooden outhouse has two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. In between the main building and the outhouse is the yard suitable for a barbeque party.

The mansion sprawls through some 20,000 pyong and is surrounded by woods except for the seaside. It has a long fence that separates the woods, a walk and a cabin with the outside world.

Rooms have floors made of clay or pebbles. They are heated by firewood. A pavilion under the shade, a main hall where you can feel cool breeze and a cozy guest room, these are places that make you feel like reading a book, maybe “Dawn.” You can also have a little nap. Spring water from rocks in the woods makes good-taste tee. A barbeque grill and charcoal are provided free of charge.

Yongdu-ri, Seoshin-myon, Hwasung City in Gyeonggi-do. △For further inquiries and reservation, call 016-333-9385 or 02-651-9385. △For one-night stay, 300,000 won during weekdays and 350,000 won on weekend. △An outhouse, a guest quarters and a cabin in the woods open to a group of up to 10 people. △A roadside map is to be sent by fax.
