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Smoke From Chimney Of Changdeok Palace After 70 Years

Posted September. 13, 2002 22:59,   


There was warmth on 13th after 70 years in Changdeok palace, Seoul, which had been empty since the demise of Sunjong, the last king of Chosun dynasty.

Changduk palace office made fire in Yeongyeongdang rooms (10 and half) and Sarangchae (10 rooms), in back garden of Changdeok palace, for two hours in the morning on 13th.

It was decided so due to mold in the ground and moisture in building after continuous rain.

Chief of office in Changdeok palace, Lee Jang-yeol, said, “architecture can be maintained when people are staying” and “the reason for making fire this time is not only to remove moisture but also to enliven the atmosphere of living.”

As women volunteers ignited fire wearing traditional clothes of Chosun, tourists were delighted, saying, “ We never expected that they would ignite fire in furnace and smoke would come out from chimney in palace.”

Chief Lee stated, “We will replace papered floor of Sarangchae and rooms in Yeongyeongdang this autumn, and if needed, we will make fire again.”

Yeongyeongdang was private house of a high official in palace, which has 99 rooms and was built up, as King Sunjong wanted to experience personal life of high official in 1828.

Kwawg-Pyo Lee kplee@donga.com