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[Editorial] Intending to Nullify Congressional Investigation into Public Fund?

[Editorial] Intending to Nullify Congressional Investigation into Public Fund?

Posted September. 11, 2002 23:20,   


The Congressional Investigation of usage of the public fund has already started. But nothing goes forward. Major government agencies will not undergo the investigation. In addition, Thanksgiving Day holiday and Busan Asian Games will leave lesser time for committee’s activities. On top of all these, some key government organizations are refusing to submit relevant documents. In short, a long and tough road lies ahead for the committee.

Especially, The Board of Audit and Investigation of Congress, which has conducted a special auditing of the public fund for the last 6 months, has refused to submit the relevant documents citing them as internal in nature. Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) also rejected the request for access to FSS’s minutes. Then, how could we say it’s an investigation?

The core of the ongoing investigation is to find out whether the astronomical amount of public fund worth 156 trillion won was invested, been based upon sound judgment, where it should have, and whether the judgment was made fairly without any political pressure or corruption. And, eventually, the investigation is to find out those who should be held accountable and reasonable ways to make redemption for the fund. Without securing the relevant documentation, it would end up with nothing.

It’s not only about the current investigation. In preparation of the National Auditing of 362 government organizations, which will start on September 16, 2002, Congressmen are also having trouble since the requested documents are not submitted. One Congressman criticized the FSS for its failure to submit 10 kinds of documents.

Looking at the situation, we even suspect that, in order to cover up this administration’s corruption, the government agencies are trying to sink down the National Auditing and Congressional Investigation by refusing to submit the relevant documentation. Of course, Congressmen’s attitude is not recommendable. They have requested “all documents,” or requested for documents totally unrelated on their face. Nonetheless, the attitude is not an excuse for agencies’ refusal. Actually, it’s the more serious problem.

It is the request of the public for a thorough investigation of any corruption of this administration. Therefore, the refusal is like refusing the citizens their rights. Those in charge of the administration themselves should realize that if they fail to silence all the rumors about this administration’s corruption this time, the last chance of this administration, it will backfire more severely on them in the next administration.