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Terror Watch Alert in New York and Washington

Posted September. 10, 2002 23:14,   


America instructed all the overseas legations to strengthen security watch and precautionary measures at the end of last month before the first anniversary of the 9.11 terror, and invoked terror watch in New York and Washington on the 9th.

The National Infra Safeguard Center of the FBI said they did those arrangements because they got much information regarding threat of terror in New York and Washington areas. The FBI, however, said about that threat of terror received through their website, law enforcements, and networks, “Nothing was confirmed, yet.”

The FBI recently expanded the watch alert to airports, government buildings, and universities after invoking watch alert of terror to police stations and key structures like electricity and communication all over the country last week.

The Associated Press reported that along with that, fighters restarted the patrolling flight in the skies of Washington and New York on the 6th, and they would be an air defense drill near Washington using 300 troops and jet fighters.

Due to the security measures taken place in 260 some overseas legations since the 30th of last month, the American Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia and the American Consulate in Surabaya have been prohibiting civilians to enter since the 9th, and the American Embassy in Pakistan decided to close on the 11th for a day.

In the meantime, the CNN reported that day quoting the former key figure of the Al Qaida and intelligence officer of the Philippines that 4t of explosives that recently disappeared might be used for terror by the agents of Al Qaida; therefore, whole police and army in the Philippines went to the emergency watch state.

Sung-Kyu Kim kimsk@donga.com