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Green Light on the Recruitment of New Employees by Increasing 25%

Green Light on the Recruitment of New Employees by Increasing 25%

Posted September. 09, 2002 23:00,   


In the second half of this year, the gate of employment is expected to be wider because companies have plans to increase the number of recruitment.

At 9th, according to the survey of Dong-A Iibo and Incruit of an Internet recruitment information provider, the employment in the second half of this year will be increased by 25% compared to the same period of the last year when people had extremely hard time getting a job.

Incruit performed surveys for 528 listed companies and 339 companies (64.2%) responded that they would recruit 42,792 in the second half of this year. It is a numerical value increased by 25.2% compared to the employment of 39.525 in the second half of the last year. It also increased 8.3% compared to the first half of this year.

In the second half of this year, LG Electronics will employ 1,500 staffs increased by 300 compared to the second half of the last year. Samsung will employ about 1,250 by year around recruitment. It is a numeric value increased by 1,000 and 750 compared to the second half of the last year and the first half of this year each.

Hyundai Motors (including Kia Motors) will recruit 500 new staffs in the middle of October increased by 200 compared to 300 of the same period of the last year.

SK Telecom activating in Internet business and new business will employ 100 compared to 60 of the same period of the last year.

Retailers such as department stores, discount shops are expected to increase the number of employment as the number of shops increase because of competition.

Lotte Shopping commented “ as a whole, the employment will increase by 10%, and particularly, the employment of sales persons will increase relatively as the number of shops increase”

Persennel department of major groups explain that as electronics& electrical, IT, retails, automotive industries improved in export and domestic demand, so the employment will increase on a large scale, particularly in the industries.

Oh Jung-hoon, senior researcher of LG Economic Research Institute explained “the companies recovered to normal orbit from the second half of the last year began to change the employment structure from experienced persons to the inexperienced because the temporary employment of the experienced persons has some matter on loyalty”

Lee Kwang-suk, the president of Incruit forecasted “ as the profitability improves, the companies increase the number of employment,” and added “ considering the companies having not decided the number of employment, the scale of employment in the second half of this year will increases further”

Kang-Woon Lee Joong-Hyun Park kwoon90@donga.com sanjuck@donga.com