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Hussein Gave Money to Bin Laden

Posted September. 09, 2002 23:04,   


A woman, who claimed to be the Iraqi President Sadam Hussein’s lover for more than 30 years, said, “The President Hussein met Osama Bin Laden, who was pointed out as the man behind the scene of the 9.11 terror attack, and gave fund to him.”

The AFP reported on the 9th that Parisoula Lampsos (54), who lives in Lebanon, disclosed during an interview with the ABC News, “I saw Bin Laden visited one of the President Hussein’s palaces in the middle of the 1980’s.”

Ms. Lampsos said the President Hussein’s eldest son Uday said, ‘My father and Bin Laden met again 10 years later and I saw my father gave Bin Laden money then.’ This report is planned to be aired on the 12th.

Ms. Lampsos explained personal life of the President Hussein in detail. The President Hussein, since he got older, often took Viagra to increase his sexual ability and wore skin relaxation mask to hide wrinkles. And he liked the movie ‘God Father’ and Frank Sinatra’s song ‘Strangers in the Night,’ and he wore cowboy hats, drank whiskey on the rocks, and smoked cigars at leisure.

The President Hussein especially watched videotapes containing scenes of his political enemies being tortured and said to himself, “ I am delighted.” He did not trust anyone and he even doubted his eldest son Uday and tried to eliminate him. He always lived in fear and worried to get infected with viruses, so he did not allow anyone to kiss on his cheek.

Ms. Lampsos claimed that although she won favor of Hussein over his 6 wives and 6 lovers, but he ran out from Iraq a year ago because she was disappointed by Hussein’s cruel personality.

Jung-Ahn Kim credo@donga.com