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American and British Fighters Air-Raided Iraq Again on Weekend

American and British Fighters Air-Raided Iraq Again on Weekend

Posted September. 08, 2002 23:53,   


▽ America-Britain Summit=The President Bush and the Prime Minister Blair had a meeting at the Camp David in Maryland and asked to act on eliminating the President Hussein from the international society.

The President Bush stressed during a joint press conference, “Hussein promised to abandon massive killing weapons and have not kept that promise for 11 years.” The Prime Minister Blair said, “The threat of bio-chemical weapons and potential nuclear weapons is a present threat,” and “it is an irresponsible conduct not to act after realizing it.”

The leaders of both countries were known to seriously discuss about ways to attack Iraq in a closed meeting. America plans for the UN to inform Iraq the deadline for the arms inspection and to do some diplomatic offensives that restraint Iraq if they do not react on that.

▽ Full scale publicity war by the White House=The Internet edition of the New York Times reported on the 7th that the White House intensified publicity to people and would do more lobby against Congressmen who were opposed to attack Iraq.

The White House staff members pointed out that the President Bush’s commemorative address for the first anniversary of the 9.11 terror (11th) and his address at the UN General Assembly would be the highlight. The Head Policy Advisor Carl Rove said, “It will be the 11th that America wants to hear from the President,” and stressed, “With that, we can predict the tide of the future.”

▽ Germany and France oppose to that=The German Prime Minister Gerhardt Schroder and the French President Jacque Sirak agreed on 4 things during a two hour meeting: ▽Opposed to America’s one-sided action, ▽Solving the problems through the UN Security Council, ▽The UN arms inspectors’ unconditional comeback to Iraq, and ▽Opposed to change of the object against Iraq. The ‘opposed to change of the object against Iraq’ means that the change of the object of the policy from the UN inspectors’ comeback to Iraq to overthrow the Hussein Administration by America.

However, the two leaders showed delicate differences. While the President Sirak said that he would follow the decision of the UN Security Council whether to participate on the attack of Iraq or not, the Prime Minister Schroder announced in public that Germany would not participate on the attack of Iraq regardless of the approval of the Security Council.

Prior to that the President Bush called the Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Chinese President Jiang Zemin, and the President Sirak and asked support for Iraqi issues, but he failed to get positive replies.

Ki-Heung Han Jei-Gyoon Park eligius@donga.com phark@donga.com