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Samsung Participates in World Forum for Wireless Networks

Samsung Participates in World Forum for Wireless Networks

Posted September. 03, 2002 22:26,   


At 3rd, Samsung Electronics announced that it joins ‘Wiremedia Alliance’ that is a world standardization forum for high-speed personal wireless networks (WPAN) as an establishment member. So it can be at advantageous position to develop technology and share market.

Samsung Electronics will organize a forum with 9 companies in semi-conductor, communication, computer and home electrical appliance such as HP, Motorola, Phillips, Kodak, Sharp, Timedomain, Extreme Spectrum, etc, and will commercialize the technology in the early of the next year.

Wiremedia, the compound word of ‘Wireless and Multimedia’, is a new technology that can remove lots of cable in a house. The application of the technology makes a lots of things possible such as; wireless image transfer between digital television and DVD player, high speed data transfer between digital camcorder and computer, etc. So consumers can use electrical home appliances easily and conveniently.

Wiremedia Forum is an organization to introduce the market technological standard ‘IEEE802.15.3’ that can transfer wide band data.

Samsung Electronics said, “Participating in international standardization forum as an establishment member reflects that its brand and technology is appreciated globally.” and added, “So Samsung can be at advantageous position for decision making and market share”

Yeon-Su Shin ysshin@donga.com