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“Help Us!”

Posted August. 28, 2002 22:01,   


The President George W. Bush met the Saudi Arabian Ambassador Bandar Bin Sultan on the 27th at his vacation spot, Crawford Ranch in Texas, and claimed that the President Hussein became a threat to world peace.

The White House Spokesman Ari Flisher said, “The President Bush clearly pointed out one more time that the President Hussein became a threat to world and local peace, and world without him would be much safer.”

The speaking of the President Bush followed after the Vice President Dick Chenny stressed the justness of containment offensive against Iraq while severely criticizing Hussein the other day.

The day’s meeting was assumed that the President Bush offered to seek for help to eliminate Hussein from Saudi Arabia. American media including CNN reported that the President Bush failed to convince Saudi Arabia, which objected to America’s attacking Iraq.

Meanwhile, the US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said about the criticizing public opinion about attacking Iraq, “Whether to attack or not will be decided not by agreement but in sovereignty level,” and stressed, “to make the right decision and to do the right thing are more important than agreement.”

However, a Republican Senator Chuck Heigle and a Democratic Congressman Dick Gephart asked the President Bush should discuss with the House before attacking Iraq, and there were criticizing and restraining voices in the US politics.

A former Ambassador to the UN Richard Holbrook insisted through a draft in Washington Post, “The road to Baghdad must pass through the US Security Council,” so he insisted that the President Bush must get resolution of the UN Security Council.

Ki-Heung Han eligius@donga.com