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Jiang and Zhu Will Remain In Office

Posted August. 18, 2002 22:48,   


ON August 18, 2002, it was reported that Chinese Communist Party (CPC) finished up preparations for the upcoming 16th Party Congress but has not yet made any decision as to the future of Jiang Zemin, President and Communist Party’s Secretary General of China. Experts themselves are not sure about the future, either. Most of Chinese experts predict that President Jiang is like to retire, only retaining the chairmanship of the CPC’s bureau in charge of military matters. Some, however, foretell that Jiang would give away only presidency to Vice President Hu Jintao and retain his position as Secretary General.

One source in Beijing said, “President Jiang has been advertising his “Three Represent’s Thought” this year for CPC to accommodate the demand for advancement in productivity equal to that of advanced nations. The real purpose is to put that idea into the Party’s Platform.”

The source also confirmed, “Once the thought was put into the Platform, Jiang will wield a tremendous power like Mao and Deng Xiaoping even after retirement.”

He also added, “The consensus has been almost built up for insertion of that idea into the Platform in the upcoming Congress. But agreement is not made as to whether Jiang’s name is to put in together.”

Another source analyzed, “Many people within the Party are opposed to continuing presidency by Jiang Zemin. Thus, he is likely to give his presidency and secretary title to Vice President Hu Jintao. Instead, Jiang seems to promote one of his closest aides to the post of Vice President and Permanent member of Political Bureau. By that way, Jiang could check Hu Jintao and participate in politics.”

In the meanwhile, according to Hong Kong Economic Daily’s August 17th report, Hong Kong’s representative in the Party’s Congress said on August 16, in a meeting with US diplomats, “We have not decided who would take the post of Secretary General.” The representative also said, “70% of representatives who gathered for the Party Congress were opposed to Jiang’s resignation as Secretary General. Agreement has been made, however, as to promotion of Hu Jintao to President, and Vice Premier to Premier. We also agreed on stepping down by Premier and Chairman of the Party Congress.”

But, Tokyo Shinbum reported, citing Western diplomats, “It is predicted that Jiang will remain as Secretary General and Chief of the Military Bureau. Premier Zhu wanted to step down. But, upon strong request from Jiang, he has decided to remain in office.” The paper also added, “Hu Jintao will only take presidency. The incumbent Vice Premier will just be promoted to Chief Vice Premier.”
