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Appreciation of the Classic Marking the 200th anniversary of Hugo`s birth.

Appreciation of the Classic Marking the 200th anniversary of Hugo`s birth.

Posted August. 16, 2002 22:11,   


Les Miserables (total 6 volumes) Written by Hugo, translated by Song Myun ,

About 420 pages per each volume, 8000 won per volume, Dongseo publishing company.

" On 30th of the June in 1891 eight thirty in the morning I have finished "Les Miserables” enjoying morning sun shining through over window.... I have nothing to wish even if I die right now, which was what Victor Hugo(1802∼1885), french prominent author, expressed to one acquaint poet in a letter . This shows that the author himself also thought "les miserable` as works of his life.

The coming book “Les Miserables” is the translation of the version of a prominent French publisher which contains 300 pieces of pictures.

. Not long after the publication of the novel in 1962 were even illiterate common people anxious to read the works

Because the book portrays people who pursue happy lives with love in defiance of social poverty and oppression. Against this backdrop, the publication company issued new book along with new picture drawn by Emile Villar, the then famous woodblock artist. Such versions were popular among grass-roots people. .

What is the common thread among main characters in the book including Jean Valjean who had to be jailed for 19 year due to petty offence, stealing bread, Cosette and Javert? All these characters are victims of society which ignores human`s dignity, sympathy and creativity. The story surrounding these three characters shows Hugo`s envisioned social progress and reform.

This novel is recognized as large epic which is a combination of war, revolution, riot, thief, saint, love and adventure and as well as philosophical book covering humanity, society and history. That`s why this works is constantly revived in the form of cinema, play and musical.

It is translated by Song Myun, the president of Korean French literature.
