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President Promises Fair Election

Posted August. 15, 2002 22:15,   


President Kim Dae-jung said yesterday that the management of elections should be left to the hands of the public in order to promote the transparency of political fund and to prevent money from ruling elections. He urged the political sector to provide institutional devices for election reforms as soon as possible.

In an address to mark the 57th anniversary of Liberation Day, President Kim said, "The government will designate 2002 as the year to allow advanced election practices to take root in Korea in an attempt to hold the presidential election in a fair manner just like the local elections and the by-elections."

His message was read by Prime Minister-designate Chang Dae-whan at Independence Hall near Cheonan.

On the results of the 7th inter-Korean ministerial talks, President Kim said, "It is important for us to reach an agreement. But more important is to implement the agreement. The June 15 joint declaration is not only the promise between the South and the North, but also the official promise for the international community. Therefore the promise should be delivered." In his remarks, President Kim tacitly urged his North Korea counterpart Kim Jong-il to pay a return visit to South Korea. President Kim also said, "Starting from next year, the government will draw up a balanced budget, halt the issuance of national bonds and set up the condition for sound finance as well as provide the plan to retrieve public fund." He added that carrying out these tasks is very important to strengthen the fundamentals of the nation`s economy and to reduce the burden on the next government.

The President also said that the five-day work week system has taken root in the private sector, but I will collect opinions from every sector of the society for the system to settle as a rational system.

He said, "I will exert my best effort to complete the reform process and to meet the expectations of the public. I will also ask for cooperation to the political sector including the National Assembly for a desirable conclusion of his term."

Chol-Hi Lee klimt@donga.com