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Seoul National Univ. Put into Operation Region-based Admission Quota System

Seoul National Univ. Put into Operation Region-based Admission Quota System

Posted August. 13, 2002 22:37,   


Jeong Un-chan, Seoul National University President, has announced on Tuesday that before the end of his term, he will put to use a variety of selection ways including admission quota system for region-wise selection.

In a meeting with reporters, he said, “I will put into operation the region-based admission quota system within my term of office, which will end in 2007, to the effect that Seoul National Univ. is selecting applicants in every walk of life.”

Citing the fact that even Harvard University is accepting students from backwaters such as South Dakota through quota system, President Jeong has explained that according to the Seoul National University quota plan, which will select 1-2 applicants from each gun, only 200-300 students will be accepted through the quota system.

“Public opinions are divided on the quota system,” said Mr. Jeong. “After collecting students and faculty members’ opinions, the college will induce a consensus among the public.

Ryu Geun-bae, the university’s Planing Office chief, said that the region-based admission quota would be different from the preferential treatment in selection to students from fishing and agrarian villages. He has added that the college is mapping out a scheme combining the two systems in order to accept students from various classes.

However, the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development has responded to the plan negatively saying that Seoul National Univ. did not decide on the issue, and the system which can arouse controversy over fairness is not desirable.

In a media interview on July 23rd Mr. Jeong caused much controversy saying that region-wise admission quota in proportion to population could be taken into consideration.

Dong-Yong Min mindy@donga.com