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Rival Parties Launch Full-Scale Offensive

Posted August. 08, 2002 22:17,   


The Grand National Party (GNP) and the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) waged an all-out war on the 8th with the rival parties raising five allegations each. The GNP attacked Kim Dae-up, who initiated the draft-dodging controversy while the MDP aimed at Lee Hoi-chang, GNP presidential candidate.

▽ The Grand National Party=The party did not raise new suspicions but it focused on the MDP`s draft-dodging offensive, declaring it as the `Kim Dae-up gate`. The GNP put a pressure on the prosecution saying that the prosecution should investigate five allegations involving Kim Dae-up in order to reveal the truth behind the Kim Dae-up gate.

Five allegations raised by the GNP include △how Kim worked for the investigation team, △ what are Kim`s illegal behaviors while he worked as an investigator of conscription scandals, and △ if there is a closed-door deal between the MDP and Kim surrounding Kim`s press conference.

Suh Cheong-won, GNP chairman said, in a meeting with the party`s officials, "The draft-dodging scandal was clearly maneuvered by the MDP and some prosecutors." Hwang Jun-dong, deputy spokesman of the GNP said in a statement, "President Kim, the MDP and Kim Dae-up conspired together to make the false accusation."

In particular, the GNP urged the prosecution to investigate the reason how Kim Dae-up could become a party of the investigation team of conscription scandals.

Rep. Hong Jun-pyo of the GNP said, "Kim Dae-up had been arrested on suspicion of getting involved in conscription scandals. He was then reinstated in February, 1988, but not pardoned. Therefore his crime still holds true. But his criminal record does not show this fact, indicating that there was an tact agreement between Kim and the current administration."

▽ The Millennium Democratic Party=The party renewed its commitment to revealing the truth behind five allegations it raised against Lee Hoi-chang.

A high-ranking official of the MDP explained the background of its draft-dodging offensive, noting that the party`s previous offensives aimed at judging corrupt figures or guarding against a single party dictatorship did not pay off, but the five allegations involving the draft-dodging scandals led to a change in the public sentiment."

Lee Nak-yeon, MDP spokesman said, "Members of the special committee and the standing committee for the draft- dodging scandal will have a thorough knowledge about the five allegations and let the public and party members know the details."

The MDP stepped up its offensive against Lee, raising suspicions that Lee`s two sons deliberately lost weight to get exempted from military service.

According to the MDP, Lee`s first son, Jung-yeon, was exempted from military service in 1991 because he was underweight. But he gained weight again when he worked as a researcher in a research institute in 1997. His younger brother, Su-yeon, was also exempted for the same reason in 1990. He weighed 41kg when he was exempted from military service, but weighed 48kg in 1993.

Rep. Chun Yong-taek of the MDP said, "As losing weight on purpose to evade military duty is a crime, Lee should resign as he said in a press conference on the 7th."

The MDP raised a suspicion that Su-yeon did not ask for a year`s leave of absence from school and joined the military as a short-term soldier, which indicates that he already knew his exemption from military service.

Yeon-Wook Jung Hyung-gwon Pu jyw11@donga.com bookum90@donga.com