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North’s Delegation’s Arrival in Brunei to Attend Asian Regional Forum

North’s Delegation’s Arrival in Brunei to Attend Asian Regional Forum

Posted July. 29, 2002 22:16,   


One diplomat in Brunei confirmed on July 29, 2002 that North Korea’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Pak Nam-soon would arrive on 30th to participate in Asian Regional Forum scheduled for 31st.

North’s delegation will be 8 in number, including important diplomats such as Park Myung-goo, Mah Chul-soo, and Kim Chung-kook.

During the upcoming ARF, various topics will be handled such as North’s expression of regret over the June 29th Yellow Sea Engagement and offer for the talk between ministers of foreign affairs. Then, a chairman’s statement will predictably adopted, urging for the resumption of the second summit between two Koreas.

Some difficulties are expected, however, in adopting the statement considering the North statement aired on 27th. In that statement, North blamed South Korea and US for the Yellow Sea Engagement, asserting that the Northern Limit Line lay at the center of the problem.

Young-Sik Kim spear@donga.com