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Not Windows, But Lindows Lynux PS at $ 299 with 5% market share plan

Not Windows, But Lindows Lynux PS at $ 299 with 5% market share plan

Posted July. 15, 2002 22:32,   


The sale of Lindows PC based on Lynux increases. Lindows operation system was designed to compete against Windows operation system of Microsoft. The biggest retail chain store in the world, Walmart began to sell PC equipped with Lindows operation system from one month before.

Walmart said “the sale of PC equipped with Lindows operation system is better then expected.” The PC is equipped with 128 MB memory, and 10giga bite hard disc, and sold at 299 dollars excluding monitor. Walmart advertises through website by comparing it with similar performance of Del computer PC at 559 dollars and Gateway PC of 529 dollars. In OS market, window has 95% market share, and Apple almost of 5%.

Blumburg Communication reported, “Lindows has a plan to increase market share to 5% gradually. lindow.dom that developed Lindows OS had been established Michael Robertson who has already established MP3.com. Microsoft had sued to court to prevent consumer confusion and to protect trademark. However, the court declined Microsoft’s appeals and passed decision “ lindows is allowed to be used as the trade name”
