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Traffic Violation – License Revoked 4.81 Million Pardoned

Traffic Violation – License Revoked 4.81 Million Pardoned

Posted July. 09, 2002 22:24,   


June 30th as to date traffic regulation violators for drunken driving, speeding, traffic light violation, and etc., who have received penalty points and licenses revoked amounts up to 4.81 million people. All of them are officially pardoned with their penalties removed and licenses reinstated.

On July 9th, In the Cabinet Council meeting presided under President Kim Dae-jung has decided upon this special amnesty measure. This special amnesty was officially announced by joint statement of Minister Lee Geun-sik, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs and Minister Song Jung-ho, Ministry of Justice. The special amnesty measure will come to effect on July 10th.

According to the measure, 3.96 million drivers with various violations will have their penalty points erased. However they still have to pay their fines.

Also drivers with their licenses revoked (270 thousand) and temporarily suspended (100 thousand), total 370 thousand will be pardoned from administrative punishment and will have their licenses returned.

Additionally for those who were unable to participate in the auto license test due to disqualification period of 1~5 years are able to take the test again. Consequently 480 thousand drivers are now allowed to take the test again.

However, drivers who are △already pardoned △license renewal violators △license disqualifiers below aptitude standard and etc. are excluded from this amnesty.

“The special amnesty was passed upon to commemorate the successful World Cup session, glory of semi-final and also to solve the citizen’s difficulties due to license revocation,” said Minister Song.

This is the second amnesty measure by the current administration for traffic regulation violators since March 1998 (5.23 million candidates).

Dong-Ki Sung esprit@donga.com