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Companies Are Unearthing Ideas By Making The Best Of In-house Internet Networks

Companies Are Unearthing Ideas By Making The Best Of In-house Internet Networks

Posted July. 09, 2002 22:30,   


It takes more than pearls to make a necklace. Good ideas do not necessarily bring about higher work efficiency. Only when they are properly utilized do good ideas turn into higher efficiency.

So far, most of the businesses have been using their in-house Internet networks only for giving instructions to employees aiming at constructing a “knowledge-based business management system” by accumulating ideas and know-how.

These days, however, corporations are endeavoring to utilize the unearthed ideas by actively using their in-house networks. The methods of activating ideas are as diverse as the corporations themselves are: from awarding employees who propose brilliant ideas to granting high merit ratings.

The Hotel Shilla Seoul created an “Idea Auction” early in May, which encourages employees to post their ideas on company’s network; later, the ideas are transmitted to the relevant department by an Internet mediator and if the receiving department does not accept the idea, it is obliged to clarify crystal-clearly the reason for rejecting it.

“In Korean companies, it used to be a taboo to interfere into other departments’ affairs”, said Mr. Kim, the General Manager of the Shilla Seoul, adding that departments in a company should not eschew from sharing good ideas with one another. The Hotel Shilla plans to grant individual points to employees who propose brilliant ideas and award those with the highest score, as well as grant high merit ratings.

Samsung Fire & Marine, in its turn, has been operating a “Theme Proposal System” that stands for receiving best ideas from employees in subjects that differ every month. The July theme is “The Know-how I am Proud of”. The company’s “Proposal Committee” examines ideas presented each month and awards employees who submit the best ideas at the end of the year, paying up to 300,000 - 700,000 won per department.

Mister Pizza Korea has recently announced a contest for best ideas regarding pizza on its in-house Internet network. The “brainstorm” of the ideas presented by more than 30 employees resulted in the birth of “Sweet Pizza” - a new kind of pizza using sweet potatoes.

Hyung-June Park lovesong@donga.com