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The Afghan Vice President Kadir Is Murdered

Posted July. 07, 2002 22:38,   


A potentate of the Afghanistan politics, Abdul Kadir, the Vice President of Afghanistan, was assassinated near his office in Kabul on the 6th; therefore, worries about instability of the Afghan politics were amplifying.

The Vice President Kadir was shot 2 bullets in his head and chest by two armed suspects, who were waiting him to get out, while leaving the government building that day, and died.

The Secretary of Interior, Tagi Mahomet Wardak, said, “the assassins fled,” and “the intension of the assassination is not clear and an investigation is under way.” The President Hamid Karzai called an emergency cabinet meeting immediately and discussed about coping plans.

The US President George W. Bush expressed his condolences and said, “I will actively support the investigation if the Afghan government requests it.”

The died Vice President Kadir was a potentate of the Jalalabad area, which was located in the eastern part of Afghanistan, led the guerilla warfare against the Soviet Union in the 1980’s, and was elected to the Vice President and the Ministry of Public Affairs by the tribe leaders’ conference, ‘Roya Jirga’ last month.

Experts are assuming that this incident is a result of conflicts between tribes.

They are saying that the Tazik tribe, which was worrying about encroachment of their influence, tried the assassination since the Pachutun tribe born the Vice President Kadir was growing his power.